Our History

Our History

The Institute of Industrial Engineers & Safety Management Systems (IIESMS) has a dynamic history that reflects its adaptability to the evolving needs of the engineering profession. Established in 1955 as a professional and qualifying body for Engineering, the Institute was initially known as “The Irish Work Society”. It then transformed into the “Irish Work-Study Institute” in 1963, expanding its scope to cater to a broader range of techniques required by its members. In 1970, it further evolved, adopting the name “Institute of Industrial Engineers”. The Institute’s journey culminated in its Golden Jubilee in 2005, a testament to 50 years of service to the engineering profession.

The Institute maintains a branch structure throughout Ireland, with each branch selecting a Committee represented by its Chairperson on the National Council. The National Council serves as the policy-forming and managing body of the Institute, ensuring that the organisation’s operations align with its mission and vision. The Institute also maintains affiliations and cooperation agreements with like-minded organisations in many other countries, promoting international collaboration and knowledge exchange.

The Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE), a professional organisation for industrial engineers and other engineering professionals, was founded in 1948 in the United States. It has grown to have chapters and members in many countries worldwide, including Ireland. The IIE is dedicated to advancing the engineering profession and promoting the value of professional engineers to businesses, organisations, and society. It achieves this through various activities, including professional development, research, and promoting best practices in the field.

In 1996, the Institute became the 79th Chapter of the American Institute, enhancing the benefits available to its members while maintaining its status as an independent national body. 

In 2020, the Institute evolved into the Institute of Industrial Engineers & Safety Management Systems (IIESMS). It is a founding member of the “World Confederation of Productivity Sciences”, further cementing its position as a leader in the field.

The Institute’s credibility is underscored by its recognition by Ireland’s Government, Unions, and Education organisations. This recognition is further solidified by the government’s grant of the right to nominate the Institute for the Industry and Commerce panel of the Irish Senate. The Institute’s influence extends to policy and industry, as it is often consulted for input to government-industry white papers. Its active role in many European Union-funded projects in recent years is a testament to its impact on the European engineering landscape.