WLF fosters a positive Work-Life-Flow (WLF) in post-Corona legacy arising from remote working and social distancing. WLF refers to the dynamic equilibrium between an individual’s professional and social roles. The EU-Directive 2019/1158 (European Parliament and of the Council of June 20 2019) on work-life balance and their concretization at national levels (e.g., in Spain The Royal Decree-Law 6/2019, of March 1) and the aim of the International Labour Organisation for ‘Decent Work’ (Article 7 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights) show the relevance of WLF. Because of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, work and life are changing and becoming focused on remote work. This will change the practices and boundaries of work and life.
Mastering a healthy WLF is a challenging key competence to maintain an effective work performance while increasing social, physical and mental health, including working parents and informal carers. A needs analysis of reports (Joint Research Council of EC) and European policy trends on critical competencies and work-life balance discovered a skills gap. Such non-cognitive skills are underdeveloped across the EU’s education systems but expected to grow in importance. Therefore, the projects’ competency-based approach to WLF is vital to foster individual well-being within the current and future workforce. The WLF envisioned competences represent one of the eight key competences of life-long learning (“Personal, social and learning to learn”) identified by the Council of the European Union.
The objectives of WLF are to offer three primary outcomes/products apart of new knowledge on WLF: to develop and test an;
a) innovative concept- and web-based self-assessment tool for WLF linked to EFQM model
b) innovative blended, virtual/distance training materials
c) integrated solution (assessment tool and training) to tackle the skills gap on WLF-related competences of future and current professionals for a positive WLF to reduce adverse health- and performance-related outcomes.
Related to these objectives, the project activities will range from research for WLF-index development and educative materials to the assessment tools software and multimedia training implementation, its real-world testing of the integrated solution at HEI and companies. WLF uses a scientific-practitioner approach for developing an assessment WLF-index and blended multimedia virtual/distance training materials to yield the most transferable results. Desktop research on the contents for the assessment tool and training materials will be applied. Findings will be aligned with the Excellence dimensions as described in the EFQM Call 2020 Round 1 KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of acceptable practices KA203 – Strategic Partnerships for higher education Form ID: KA203-07E23C4D Deadline (Brussels Time) 2020-04-23 12:00:00 EN 2
Project Partners
Universitat De Barcelona (Spain)
IBK Management Solutions (Germany)
Waterford Institute of Technology (Ireland)
Universidade De Coimbra (Portugal)
Universiteti Nderkombetar PER Biznes DHE (Kosovo)
Irish Work-Study Institute Ltd Ireland Eskilara S. KOOP TXIKIA (Spain)